Reserved for Donna
Aromatherapy Quartz crystal pendant with Magnesite accent bead in combo with a Magnesite aromatherapy bracelet.
You have to be careful as some people will call this “turquoise”, by accident or on purpose, but real Turquoise is actually more rare (and expensive) than people think. Magnesite, which is a gorgeous stone on its own with its own set of healing properties is softer than turquoise and accepts dye easily. Howlite does as well and is also used as an affordable substitute. If you see labels like “stabilized turquoise”, “heat treated turquoise”, “chalk turquoise”, “African Turquoise”, guess what???? It’s magnesite or Howlite . This is one reason to shop from someone whose knowledge and ethics you trust. 💚💚 Magnesite Healing Properties: Metaphysically, magnesite is said to bring deep peace when worn while meditating or relaxing. It encourages a positive attitude to life, promoting tolerance. It is believed to allow the wearer to accept the self and to take others for who they are without the desire to change them.